Not a creature was stirring. Not even the Cat

    As the Holidays grow closer and closer, I have mixed emotions. Some happy. Some sad

Happy, because it is my favorite time of the year… a time when families are closer and the bond is renewed. …When bells are ringing, and familiar music is heard everywhere. …When cheerful faces are smiling. …When we share with another, the joys of the season.

Sad, because I miss those who have gone and are no longer present at the gathering of our family, although they remain close in each of our hearts; never to be forgotten. Sad because there are others who are in need and who struggle to fill empty stomachs and spend what little they have for their family. 

It is a time to count one’s blessings.

 I am blessed and want to thank my followers for helping me become a better writer, and for the insight so many of you have, which has certainly helped me this year.

 I am blessed for my family, who keep me going, day after day, month after month, with their love, encouragement, and guidance.

 I am blessed every day as I watch my grandsons and my granddaughter mature into honorable young people.

I am blessed by all the wonders of the earth we live on, the opportunities given us, and that I am without want.

So to all, I wish you a happy Holiday and a happy New Year. …PAULA

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