Legends of the Unicorn Fact or Fiction?


After the frenzy about Starbucks’ Unicorn Drink, I decided to look into why the never-ending popularity of this mythical creature continues.

We have all read about the mythical beast represented by a horse with a single straight-horn projected from its forehead The Unicorn is usually represented in glorious white, with a flowing snow-white mane, and angel-like wings that flew with swift speed and power that no creature could ever overtake it.
If they did not exist, then where did the legend of this magical creature come from? Maybe it was North Korea that, on November 30, 2012, the central News Agency of that country stated that scientists re-confirmed the existence and location of the final resting place of the unicorn once ridden by King Dongmyeong. Or, maybe because there are those who believe that it is mentioned in the King James Version of the Bible nine times.
The first written account of a unicorn in western literature comes from the Greek doctor Ctesias in the 4th century BCE. While travelling through Persia, he heard tales of a single-horned “wild horse” roaming that part of the world. In the ancient Lascaux Caves in France a drawing dating back to 15,000 BC depicted a one-or two-horned creature. The original discoverers were confused due to the closeness of the horns. It could have been one. Did you know even Marco Polo reported a unicorn sighting? (He thought them ugly) Genghis Khan claimed to see the creature.
According to scientists what these people saw could have been a rhinoceros.

I like to believe that Unicorns did exist as did Handsome Princes, Princesses, Wizards, Elves, Fairies, and Snow Queens in the magical world of the minds of children.

Information taken from an Article from: “TODAY I FOUND OUT” (Feed Your Brain) in 2014.)