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In the 20’s and 30’s Louis Armstrong inspired Jazz

  Duke Ellington gave it pizzazz

Ella Fitzgerald came around then

Gene Autry was in the saddle again

We go to the 40’s and in demand

Is Harry James and his band

Tommy Dorsey plays his best

Doris day is his guest

It’s the 50’s and who should appear

New Groups and Singers I had to hear

Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Johnny Cash

Kay Starr, Loretta Lynn, Ink Spots, make a splash

In the 60’s and 70’s, Pop Music is in

Beach Boys, Beatles, Carpenters win

Elton John, Carole King, Marvin Gaye

Hot. Hot, Hot, all the way

The 80’s on there’s lots of mix

Country, Pop and Rock gives us the fix

Rihanna, Phil Collins, Taylor Swift, all great

Take the time to listen, don’t wait



                                               IS IT GOOD OR BAD ADVICE?

In the latest issue of “Writers Digest” is an article by Jeff Somers, I had to pass on to my readers. I can only cover some of his topics due to the length.

As writers, we carefully edit our manuscript, correcting any mistakes, and pay special attention to correct punctuation, wording, etc. before releasing it for publication.  Many of us, including myself, seek the opinions of friends, family, authors, and volunteers willing to read the novel, as the last check before submission.

In addition to the opinions of my family and friends, I read everything I found by those I considered authorities, but I was confused and conflicted about different interpretations of the same advice. In the back of my head was the same question until I read this wonderful Article.

QUESTION: When is it okay to NOT follow the advice given you by others, Read below what Jeff  Somers wrote about “THE RULES’.

  1. WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW:  Write what you know was not meant to reject your imagination.  You can write about stuff you know nothing about— just write a story you want to read.
  • SHOW DON’T TELL: When showing injects unnecessary verbosity, don’t.  That rule implies that “telling” is Lazy, while showing takes real talent. You need to balance the showing and the telling, 
  • WRITE EVERY DAY:  The discipline of working regularly is good and stops you from being one of those who talks about writing but never does. But, not all can write every day.  Think of it as a goal, not a requirement.
  • KILL YOUR DARLINGS:It is probably the most misunderstood and misapplied piece of writing advice in the history of writing. Don’t delete writing you like and never look back.
  • INVEST IN A THESAURUS: Having a large vocabulary as an author is great—but it’s only half the battle. You need to feel comfortable, and your word choices should fit your characters.
  • NEVER WRITE A PROLOGUE:The implication is that you are an amateur. In reality it is possible to pull off a prologue, but you need purpose.
  • AVOID THE PASSIVE VOICE: Yes, it is grammatically correct, and we are told it is lazy writing. However, there are forms of passive that are acceptable and necessary.

 I hope the above encourages you to subscribe to this wonderful magazine and read the entire article.

Happy writing, Paula



Want to Leave your Readers Hungry for your Next Novel?

The final chapter, of your novel is written and you believe it will be satisfying to your readers, with no loose ends and unanswered questions.  But, are your readers hungry for your next novel? If there is any doubt in your mind, below are some useful suggestions before you begin the Final Chapter..

1.Leave room:  for your readers’ imaginations and allow them to picture what happens next, without being told: “They lived happily ever after.”
2.Foreshadow: Plant seeds in advance—small clues that will make the end seem natural.
3.Build-up Mystery:  A good mystery needs a build-up toward the climax with lots of twists and turns during the telling of the story.
4.Pace: To create a mystery, write shorter scenes, sentences and chapters to increase the momentum.  Save the largest scene for your last Chapter.
5.Reveal:  Show how your characters changed in the story.
6.Romance:  For romances, the above are still important. If a romantic mystery, use the same pace as #4..  All romances need a build-up- but without many complications, either  between the lovers, or the events that get in the way of a happy union.
7. Similar Book endings:  Check other books similar to your story, and review how the author ended the final chapter.  Try several options—put them aside—then read again, later, and see which one makes the most sense for your story.

In my opinion, one of the best storytellers of mystery and suspense was the late Alfred Hitchcock. His television series always had an unexpected ending—one I never anticipated, and although it was not always a happy ending; but always satisfying. Each of his stories is a lesson for mystery writers.  His movies, too,  are well worth seeing. ( Shocking, Frightening, and deliciously, wickedly Amazing.)

Happy Ending,Paula




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The final draft of your book is done.  Now you get to  relax?.  No, you can’t.!

The next step is to self-edit—the edit you, as author, should do. After all, it is a Draft , and only you are familiar with the story, and can easily correct  all self-made errors , like noticing  where your story wanders away from  the scene being played out. Or when characters are not clearly defined ,and how about incorrect spellings, punctuation errors, and poor  word choices.

First print all the pages of your book. Then as you read, correct the errors you find on the printed  page, and  then on the computer.


  1. Use words your reader can relate to—Simple words and not  words needing the use of a dictionary.  Remember, the more the reader stops, the less interest he or she has in  continuing.
  2. Show don’t Tell.— Use an action word to show, anger, instead of saying : He is angry. Example: He slammed the door behind him
  3. Do not use the word almost. Example, She almost cried.   The character either cried, or did not.
  4. Don’t sermonize or preach to your reader.
  5. Try reading your novel out loud. You may find areas where improvement is needed
  6. Omit Clichés and use “said” for dialogue instead of “explained, declared, etc.”

After you complete your self-edit, then retain the services of a professional Editor so your book is finally ready for publication,  and, at long last, you can either rest, or begin another story.


Don’t ever give up in frustration, Paula








A red herring is a misleading statement, question, or argument meant to redirect a conversation away from its original topic.

Authors use this form to keep readers in suspense while writing a mystery.  In the Hound of the Baskervilles, the obvious suspect is the butler. One of the important clues is the murderer has a beard as does the butler.

In “The DaVinci Code”, Bishop Aringarosa is the red herring. The author implies that the bishop is the mastermind behind the plot of the book, and readers suspect him the entire time.

You can use the red herring technique when writing in any genre. It is useful in political debates, where one candidate changes the topic to distract the opponent. It is successful in advertisements to convince the reader to purchase the product. It is the choice of defense lawyers to draw attention away from the main point. Using misleading techniques can create continual suspense for the reader, until the last page.

In all of these instances, the red herring is a misleading, false clue, aiming to draw the attention of the reader away from the current point of view that is the main plot of the story. This information is available on- line if you want more examples of the technique.   Try it! Paula



Did you know that the New York Unions, launched “Labor Day” in the year 1882?…Why?

At that time, working conditions were not good. Manual labor was hard on the working class, having to press on for hours and hours. Even children, who were part of the workforce, were required to labor, twelve hours per day, six days a week.

The Unions wanted to celebrate all working members for their dedication, and decided to sponsor a PARADE TO HONOR THEM.

It was not until 1887 when Labor Day was made a Federal Holiday, giving every worker the day off.  From that time forward, we Americans, observe Labor Day on the first Monday in September, of each year.

 In September of this year (2022), we will observe Labor Day on September 5th to honor, and recognize the contributions of all laborers.                                            

Unfortunately, September 5th is considered, by most, the last day of summer. However, it is still over 80 degrees, and some of us (me included) may try to enjoy Labor Day on the beach or in the pool. Then, we will look forward to the Season of Autumn and the falling leaves of red, gold, and brown shades, followed by October’s Halloween trick or treaters. Winter brings Thanksgiving, and delightful; soft snow for skiing, sleighing, and skating.

All our seasons are beautiful, in their own way, but for me, the best holiday of the year comes in December, when all families get together to share their happiness, love and devotion to each other, and their Creator.

                                        ENJOY YOUR DAY OFF-   Paula

apology to all my followers

Please go to page listed as BOOKS, where you will find information on my newest novel, STEERED BY DESTINY.

THIS APOLOGY IS A LONG TIME COMING TO YOU, MY FOLLOWERS. To make up for the delay, I am offering a FREE copy of the Book, when published. Read details on that page. Thanks for your loyalty. Paula


The style of writing about public figures using, made-up characters, was defined by French novelist, Madeleine DeScudery, in the Seventeen century. She wanted to write about public figures, so she disguised them with made-up names; and altered personalities. She also altered all actual events by writing events that resembled the original happenings. This style became known as “The Roman a’ Clef,” translated from French meaning, “novel with a key”.

If you are considering writing characters inspired by real people, here are a few helpful tips to avoid anyone recognizing similarities, that may result in a lawsuit.

  1. Change your character’s name…no matching initials; no rhyming. Change hair color and style, facial features, description, body physique, wardrobe, family and backstory.
  2. If in real life, your character has daughters, give him or her sons. Married, or single. Do not forget the backstory.
  3.  Combine two real life characters, into one. It will make your character more interesting. If in real life, your character is a private person, change to a winning personality, or give the character an amazing storyline, to give more exposure.
  4. Be careful of duplicating too many traits of your real person.
  5. Do not allow the characters to dictate your story. Your story is always first.
  6. If after reviewing all your characters you find that one of the characters gets in the way of your story, try to change its personality. If that does not seem to work, drop that character.

          Good Luck!  Paula


We cherish all
That you are to us
Father, friend,
advisor, and confidant
There will never be
Anyone like you,
Who offers love,
understanding, courage
And strength
Because of you,
we can accept 
what challenges life has to offer
and believe that
every day
brings a new opportunity



 On May 30 2022, we honor those who gave their lives in protection of the United States of America. Beginning with the Civil War, Americans, young and old, take this day to remember our fallen Heroes in many ways.

            Most proudly display the American flag, our token of a free country, to honor the fallen.

            Some visit Battlefields, where American soldiers fought and died, and Cemeteries’ place small American flags on every grave.

            Many attend Memorial Day parades where veterans march proudly, honoring their comrades.

            Families assemble for a moment of silence, before an outdoor gathering, paying tribute to a family member who did not return home.

            There are pictures on the walls of our homes, we look at each day, and they are there to remind us of their sacrifices.     

            Americans, will never forget those we honor today!



The beginning of Mother’s Day was the project of ANNA JARVIS, who, in 1905; the day her mother died, wanted to honor her, and held a public memorial in Grafton, West Virginia, her mother’s hometown. Ms. Jarvis continued to campaign for an annual holiday, acknowledging parents, and it was first observed nationwide on May 10, 1908. Mother’s Day is always on the second Sunday of May each year, as an acknowledgment of the contributions made by all parents in America.

                        A little Prose in honor of Mothers:


It is wonderful to know that our family

Is held together by a chain of love

That is so strong it will never be broken

Because you are the Strongest Link

                         HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY TO ALL MOMS



April Fools’ day, also known at All Fools’ Day is thought to have begun in 1582 when France switched from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian calendar, and/or  in 1563, when the Council of Trent began calling it April Fools’ Day. The English in 1700 started the popular tradition by playing practical jokes on one another. It spread throughout Britain during the 18th century and then to Scotland who made it a two-day celebration.

There are many funny quotes about April Fools’ Day. I thought I would share a few and hope you find them funny also.

 “LET US BE THANKFUL FOR THE FOOLS. But for them the rest of us could not succeed:” MARK TWAIN.

A fool flatters himself; a wise man flatters the fool.” EDWARD G. BULWER-LYTTON

“Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.” (Chinese Proverb)

“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself a fool.” WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

“The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes” WINSTON CHURCHILL.

“The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.” WILL ROGERS

“Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something” PLATO

Happy April Fools’Day, Paula